9 days since my last post, I feel kind of out of the loop.
Its almost like I don't know what to say since I haven't posted. I think that's weird because, you would think I would have a ton of stuff saved up....
so in the last few weeks things have been pretty crazy. I didn't even realize it until I looked back at the calendar. Perhaps that can explain my lack of posts or lack of real motivation to do much of anything at all.
This week, I tried to channel my inner David Letterman (wouldn't that be a weird vibe for me to channel - it didn't really work) and presented a Top 10 list in front of 600 people in the high school auditorium. So I will try again. It will be a month in review, in the order of which I think of items, not necessarily in the order of greatest importance or fun-ness.
10. My mac is back! Good as new - and totally free - thank you apple care.
9. I lost my point and shoot camera. Any ideas where it could be? Pretty sure it has to be at the house, but if it is, I put it in a really good safe place.
8. I'm over being hot. Seriously, so ready for fall and the crispness it offers. These last few days have just been a tease.
7. I took a road trip to Dallas with my mama. we left on a friday morning at 8:30 am and were back in Wichita at 9:30 Saturday night. It was so, so fast and the traffic was terrible both ways, but we had a ton of time to chat and shop.
I love the contradictions in cities. The classic vs. modern architecture above and then just a ton of textures on a new building.
I think it was a successful trip. And we did some house hunting.
6. We went to IKEA!!! I bought a rug and a bookcase that we are re-purposing to be a buffet. I will post pictures soon, I am not in love with the way its decorated yet...but here's mom before her first time.
She didn't know what she was getting into. I told here it was pretty awesome and she should be more excited but she didn't believe me until she saw this.
5. I did my first "photo shoot". My friends Andy and Julie, let me take their family pictures. Well, their growing - literally - family.
One of my favorites...
Ryan came along as our chauffeur and carrier of stuff like camera bags and water bottles - it was already hot and muggy at 8:00!
4. We ate Yoda, stormtroopers and Darth Vader.
3. We did some paintball. I use the term "we" very loosely here.
Yep, that's me with my camera behind the net. I ain't dumb.
2. I went to the Women of Faith conference in Omaha with all the women on the "in-law" side of the fam. We had a great time. Lots of lessons learned. Hopefully, I will be inspired to share some of those as I have time to process them.
1. I was accepted to the English graduate program at Wichita State University. Yea! Higher tuition rates! Get excited.
Happy Thursday folks! Its almost the weekend!