well friends, i know i am not a mother quite yet, but today i feel like a mom, who doesn't want to be a mom today. or maybe it's just a teacher who doesn't want to be a teacher today.
i have answered the same 15 questions all day long. and they are dumb questions.
you know how people tell you growing up that there are no dumb questions...well, whoever it was that told you that was lying. there are dumb questions. i get asked 15 or 20 a day.
for example:
can i use my study guide to answer the questions on this final exam?
no, you may not, it is a study guide, for studying, not for testing, hence the name study guide.
* * * * * * * *
do i have to take the final?
but i wasn't here the last 3 days.
how is that my (lindsay's) fault?
well, i didn't get the work.
did you come ask for it? or did you let me know where to send make up work?
no, but i still shouldn't have to take the final.
well, really your options are 1: take the final, 2: take a zero.
* * * * * * * *
ms. frasier, what's my grade?
well, you know i have 110 students, i have no idea what your grade is.
well, if i fail this test how will it change my grade?
i don't know.
how do you not know?
i don't know your grade, i don't know how many total points are possible in this particular class and i can't do mental math.
all my other teachers could tell me.
that's pretty cool. here's your test. good luck.
* * * * * * * *
me in the middle of a discussion, literally mid-sentence.
miss frasier, can i get a drink?
incredulous look from student completely unbelieving that i said no.
* * * * * * * *
ms. frasier, that biology teacher down the hall, she's hot!
that's nice of you to say, but this is not an appropriate conversation. change topics.
do you think i should go tell her i think she's hot?
but i'm 18, it would be ok, right?
no absolutely not. again, this conversation is done.
* * * * * * * *
do you understand how these are stupid questions? seriously they are so frustrating.
the other reason i am done today, is that i am tired of the rudeness and lack of responsibility.
ok...gripe fest over!
i do have some absolutely wonderful kids! today i received 5 hugs from sweet kids wishing me luck with the baby and a merry christmas. so sweet and three of them were even after i spent 10 minutes lecturing on behavior with the sub for January.
so apparently some of them love me! yay!
and a final, final thought on my first semster teaching.
i do think i am making a difference with a few. their faces light up and get excited when they understand something. they get pumped when their grade has improved. and those kids make it worth it all.
* * * * * * * *
and if you are wondering my due date is the 27th of this month. and so far it doesn't appear that this child will be joining us on the outside any time soon.
he or she seems to be thinking and planning for himself or herself already...which really shouldn't be a surprise as he or she is a product of two of the world's most stubborn and opinion-filled people i know. :)
don't worry, we'll let you know when the time has come!